About Us
About us
Holistic approach
Lesedi Waldorf School follows a holistic approach teaching head, heart and hands. The aim is to bring forth individuals who contribute to society as independent thinking, feeling and working human beings.
Keeping imagination alive educates creative problem solvers. In seeing the uniqueness of each child, the specific qualities together with self-confidence are fostered. Learning is kept alive through games, songs, poems, stories, and individual activities. Art and reverent festivals help to become compassionate and caring members of society.
Academic learning
Develops thinking
(concepts & applications)
Artistic learning
Develops feeling
(imagination & the seven lively arts)
Practical learning
Develops will
(crafts & gardening)
Waldorf education
- Was first outlined and described by Rudolf Steiner in 1919.
- Seeks to develop the individual child's gifts while at the same time bringing balance.
- Nurtures all aspects of the human being in accordance with the developmental stages.
- Integrates human values, knowledge and a feeling for the humanity of other people.
- Enables effective contribution to society with a sense of beauty, goodness and truth.
- Form, content and methods of the curriculum engage the child's imagination and experience.
- It seeks to awaken curiosity and creativity.
- Is based on the anthroposophical understanding of human development.
- Is non-denominational.
Children love Lesedi
The children love Lesedi Waldorf School because:
- They have time to be creative.
- They are allowed to stay individuals.
- They are respected and learn to respect others.
- They also engage their will in crafts and sports.
- They express themselves with confidence through drama and projects.
- They learn about beauty through arts and festivals.
- They are received with warmth and openness.
Alumni recognize learning at Lesedi carried them forward through university. They praise the individual care and love they received and say that Lesedi opened their minds and made them confident to go out into the world.